
CECS136:2002 Construction of water chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) Pipeline Engineering Technical Regulations

CECS136:2002 Construction of water chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) Pipeline Engineering Technical RegulationsZoom


titleEngineering Project Management ( Higher School Civil Engineering Professional Application Undergraduate Planning Materials )
ISBN number9787564125646
Publisher nameSoutheast University Press
titleEngineering Project Management ( Higher School Civil Engineering Professional Application Undergraduate Planning Materials )
authorZhao Qinghua
pricing3980 yuan
EditorZhao Qinghua
Paper script16



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CECS136:2002 Construction of water chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) Pipeline Engineering Technical Regulations

CECS136:2002 Construction of water chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) Pipeline Engineering Technical RegulationsCECS136:2002 Construction of water chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) Pipeline Engineering Technical RegulationsProvide CECS136:2002 Construction of water chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) Pipeline Engineering Technical Regulations by 中建标图书专营店 at Product #: 162379184587.85In stock