
Universal movable wrench tool Most Multifunctional sanitary pipe pliers Universal tube pliers Multiple opener

Universal movable wrench tool Most Multifunctional sanitary pipe pliers Universal tube pliers Multiple openerZoom


brandEFW( five gold )
materialChromium vanadium alloy steel
originMainland China
provinceZhejiang Province
CityJinhua City
Color classification(Limited time ) manufacturers have lost weight to support 500 ❤ today's shipment ❤ ( Reinforced single-sided tooth ) Pure steel anti-rust trumpet 6-22mm ( Reinforced single-sided ) Pure steel
FormulaPublic system



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Universal movable wrench tool Most Multifunctional sanitary pipe pliers Universal tube pliers Multiple opener

Universal movable wrench tool Most Multifunctional sanitary pipe pliers Universal tube pliers Multiple openerUniversal movable wrench tool Most Multifunctional sanitary pipe pliers Universal tube pliers Multiple openerProvide Universal movable wrench tool Most Multifunctional sanitary pipe pliers Universal tube pliers Multiple opener by efw旗舰店 at Product #: 6695783989209.76In stock