
( Live broadcast exclusive )Ricky Oran McLuca honey UMF5 enzyme jelly regretting millet jelly

( Live broadcast exclusive )Ricky Oran McLuca honey UMF5 enzyme jelly regretting millet jellyZoom


Production dateMay 23, 2023 to May 23, 2023
brandRICHORA Richie Oran
seriesMelucca honey enzyme jelly UMF5
originMainland China
Applicable genderMen and women
Color classification(Direct shot )UMF5 Enzyme Jelly 3 bag (White peach flavor)
shelf life9 months
Packing methodpackaging
Production enterpriseHefei Huali Food Co., Ltd
Product typeJelly type
Specification ( Grain bag ml g)20g*6 capsules
Price unitbag
Applicable populationadult
Ingredient raw materialsenzyme
Production license numberSC10634010705101
Plant nameHefei Huali Food Co., Ltd
siteNo. 2159 Lotus Road, No. 2159, Huaifei City Economic and Technology Development Zone, Anhui Province, Hefei City Economic and Technology Development Zone
Manufacturer contact400-021-1016
shelf life270



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( Live broadcast exclusive )Ricky Oran McLuca honey UMF5 enzyme jelly regretting millet jelly( Live broadcast exclusive )Ricky Oran McLuca honey UMF5 enzyme jelly regretting millet jellyProvide ( Live broadcast exclusive )Ricky Oran McLuca honey UMF5 enzyme jelly regretting millet jelly by 瑞琪奥兰旗舰店 at Product #: 66764347554394.68In stock