
Winning PCK600 live broadcast device full set of anchor voice card microphone computer recording device

Winning PCK600 live broadcast device full set of anchor voice card microphone computer recording deviceZoom


brandTakstar wins
Winning modelPC-K600
originMainland China
provinceGuangdong Province
CityHuizhou City
Color classificationWinning PC-K600 capacitance microphone with SM-18 EL official standard Winning PC-K600 microphone Fantasy power ( Not including commissioning ) PC-K6
Way of useHanging
Pointing featureHeart pointing
Production enterpriseGuangdong wins electronics limited company
Power supplyExternal power supply
Microphone typeProfessional recording microphone
Applicable scenesLive broadcast
Applicable objectLive broadcast special recording special
Smart typeDoes not support intelligence
Set meal nameOfficial labeling
Trumpet unitNo speaker
warranty period12 months



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Winning PCK600 live broadcast device full set of anchor voice card microphone computer recording device

Winning PCK600 live broadcast device full set of anchor voice card microphone computer recording deviceWinning PCK600 live broadcast device full set of anchor voice card microphone computer recording deviceProvide Winning PCK600 live broadcast device full set of anchor voice card microphone computer recording device by takstar得胜旭畅专卖店 at Product #: 667562771990209.88In stock