brand | JudydoLL orange |
Title | Single blush combination |
origin | China |
Color classification | Low saturation nut color combination #60 #61 #62 popular star color combination #06 #35 #41 atmosphere cheek color combination #06 #35 #43 function repair color |
Cosmetics Record Number Registration Certificate Number | Shanghai G makeup net word 2021519910 |
Suitable for skin quality | Any skin |
Implementation Standard Number | QB T 1976 |
efficacy | Improve your color |
Specification type | Regular |
Is it a special purpose cosmetics | no |
Net content | 6g |
Manufacturer's address | Building 1, No. 38, Tongjing Road, Tongjing Town, Songjiang District, Shanghai |
Manufacturer name | Shanghai family Novartis Cosmetics Co., Ltd |
Time limit | 2025-09-25 to 2025-09-26 |
Cosmetics shelf life | 36 months |
Production license number of production enterprise | Shanghai Makeup 20160041 |
shelf life | 3 years |
Registrant Recorder Address | Room 3780, No. 665685, Jinbi Road, Fengxian Town, Shanghai |
Registrant Recorder Name | Shanghai Orange Cosmetics Co., Ltd |