
3000-eyed super-thin household kitchen knife edged with a special grinding tool for oleys and mills

3000-eyed super-thin household kitchen knife edged with a special grinding tool for oleys and millsZoom


brandYi Shen
materialBai Gangyu
sizeAverage code
Color classificationWhite Tow-Blue White Jade Grindstone Black Tow-Blue White Jade Grindstone
Suspension price88
Price interval51-100 yuan
listing timeSummer 2021
Freight numberTYLS-MS01
Whether the mall has the same amountno
Types of sales channelsPure electrician ( only sells online )



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3000-eyed super-thin household kitchen knife edged with a special grinding tool for oleys and mills

3000-eyed super-thin household kitchen knife edged with a special grinding tool for oleys and mills3000-eyed super-thin household kitchen knife edged with a special grinding tool for oleys and millsProvide 3000-eyed super-thin household kitchen knife edged with a special grinding tool for oleys and mills by 郞神旗舰店 at Product #: 65178656825429.86In stock