
Y9 Italian USB digital interface is compatible with the same solution. Amanero wins xmos and can be converted from femtosecond dsd to i2s

Y9 Italian USB digital interface is compatible with the same solution. Amanero wins xmos and can be converted from femtosecond dsd to i2sZoom


BrandMoon Shadow
Time of listing2020-08-23
OriginMainland China
ProvincesGuangdong Province
PrefecturesFoshan City
Color classificationMain Card Standard Moderator Card Advanced Moderator Card Deluxe Moderator Card Ultimate U0a



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Y9 Italian USB digital interface is compatible with the same solution. Amanero wins xmos and can be converted from femtosecond dsd to i2s

Y9 Italian USB digital interface is compatible with the same solution. Amanero wins xmos and can be converted from femtosecond dsd to i2sY9 Italian USB digital interface is compatible with the same solution. Amanero wins xmos and can be converted from femtosecond dsd to i2sProvide Y9 Italian USB digital interface is compatible with the same solution. Amanero wins xmos and can be converted from femtosecond dsd to i2s by zhen926400 at Product #: 62616771953341.05In stock