
Kemai Xin tool empty drum hammer test room suit thickened and rough acceptance stick knocking on the professional drum test drum

Kemai Xin tool empty drum hammer test room suit thickened and rough acceptance stick knocking on the professional drum test drumZoom


brandKomeixin(Five gold)
modelEmpty drum hammer
materialStainless steel
originMainland China
provinceZhejiang Province
CityJinhua City
Color classificationSeismic upgrade paint 97CM( buy 5 get 1) earthquake-resistant upgrade paint 119CM( buy 5 get 1) earthquake-resistant upgrade paint 152CM( buy 5 get 1)



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Kemai Xin tool empty drum hammer test room suit thickened and rough acceptance stick knocking on the professional drum test drum

Kemai Xin tool empty drum hammer test room suit thickened and rough acceptance stick knocking on the professional drum test drumKemai Xin tool empty drum hammer test room suit thickened and rough acceptance stick knocking on the professional drum test drumProvide Kemai Xin tool empty drum hammer test room suit thickened and rough acceptance stick knocking on the professional drum test drum by 科麦鑫旗舰店 at Product #: 6223443742668.53In stock