
Customized outdoor self-service vending machine shade shade rain shed free of punching shade shade shade shade shield manufacturer direct sales

Customized outdoor self-service vending machine shade shade rain shed free of punching shade shade shade shade shield manufacturer direct salesZoom


brandGuan Shang
originMainland China
provinceHenan Province
CityZhengzhou City
Color classificationRed wine red brown ink green army green coffee yellow yellow white striped blue and white striped red and white striped
gross weightStandard Section 115KG
Freight number12857012
Packaging volumeAccording to specifications



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Customized outdoor self-service vending machine shade shade rain shed free of punching shade shade shade shade shield manufacturer direct sales

Customized outdoor self-service vending machine shade shade rain shed free of punching shade shade shade shade shield manufacturer direct salesCustomized outdoor self-service vending machine shade shade rain shed free of punching shade shade shade shade shield manufacturer direct salesProvide Customized outdoor self-service vending machine shade shade rain shed free of punching shade shade shade shade shield manufacturer direct sales by 冠尚售货机周边 at Product #: 589354250290145.36In stock