
English kindergarten spring and autumn children's uniform three sets of Sailor's clothing Suit uniform interview

English kindergarten spring and autumn children's uniform three sets of Sailor's clothing Suit uniform interviewZoom


Age of application12, 14, 68, 7, 11, 9, 10, 13
Applicable genderTrans-sex
Color specificationV-necked flannelette shirt with extra flannelette one cotton inner gall four-button suit Long shirt Men Tibetan blue shorts four-button suit Long shirt Women Tibetan blue short skirt four-button suit Long shirt Men Tibetan blue trousers four-button west
Reference height90cm100cm1110cm120cm130cm140cm150cm150cm160cm170cm



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English kindergarten spring and autumn children's uniform three sets of Sailor's clothing Suit uniform interview

English kindergarten spring and autumn children's uniform three sets of Sailor's clothing Suit uniform interviewEnglish kindergarten spring and autumn children's uniform three sets of Sailor's clothing Suit uniform interviewProvide English kindergarten spring and autumn children's uniform three sets of Sailor's clothing Suit uniform interview by csillia1988 at Product #: 57984610866218.66In stock