
Professional examination instrument for adult beginners of children in the wooden handmade violin in Stentorstein, UK

Professional examination instrument for adult beginners of children in the wooden handmade violin in Stentorstein, UKZoom


Color classificationSTENTOR 4 4 Height above 150 STENTOR 3 4 Height above 140 STENTOR 1 2 Height above 130
Floor materialspruce
Violin size4 4 3 4 1 2 1 4 1 8 1 10 1 16
Back plate materialmaple
Stringing plate materialother
Applicable scenesExamination practice performance
Applicable populationGeneral



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Professional examination instrument for adult beginners of children in the wooden handmade violin in Stentorstein, UK

Professional examination instrument for adult beginners of children in the wooden handmade violin in Stentorstein, UKProfessional examination instrument for adult beginners of children in the wooden handmade violin in Stentorstein, UKProvide Professional examination instrument for adult beginners of children in the wooden handmade violin in Stentorstein, UK by stentor旗舰店 at Product #: 558114415771263.21In stock