
Naodou Japanese ready-to-eat original imported non-mass mountain large and very small granules of Na Douglas Lass Box 24 Box

Naodou Japanese ready-to-eat original imported non-mass mountain large and very small granules of Na Douglas Lass Box 24 BoxZoom


Production dateFrom February 01, 2022 to February 03, 2022
brandFresh cat
specification24 small boxes
Packing methodpackaging
Sale methodSingle product
Package1 person
Set meal cycle1 week
Distribution frequency2 times a week
Net content960g
Plant nameSee packaging
siteSee packaging
Manufacturer contact4000523527
shelf life365



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Naodou Japanese ready-to-eat original imported non-mass mountain large and very small granules of Na Douglas Lass Box 24 Box

Naodou Japanese ready-to-eat original imported non-mass mountain large and very small granules of Na Douglas Lass Box 24 BoxNaodou Japanese ready-to-eat original imported non-mass mountain large and very small granules of Na Douglas Lass Box 24 BoxProvide Naodou Japanese ready-to-eat original imported non-mass mountain large and very small granules of Na Douglas Lass Box 24 Box by 品鲜猫旗舰店 at Product #: 55759160410444.59In stock