
PPR water pipe PPR home-made water pipe fittings 4 minutes water pipe 20 6 points 32 25 ppr water pipe hot and cold water

PPR water pipe PPR home-made water pipe fittings 4 minutes water pipe 20 6 points 32 25 ppr water pipe hot and cold waterZoom


PipeDN20(4 in charge )
Price unitrice
brandShanghai Ningtai
Color classification053A PN20 Tube diameter 20*wall thickness 28085A PN20 Tube diameter 25*wall thickness 35 country standard 132A PN20 Tube diameter 32*wall thickness 441



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PPR water pipe PPR home-made water pipe fittings 4 minutes water pipe 20 6 points 32 25 ppr water pipe hot and cold water

PPR water pipe PPR home-made water pipe fittings 4 minutes water pipe 20 6 points 32 25 ppr water pipe hot and cold waterPPR water pipe PPR home-made water pipe fittings 4 minutes water pipe 20 6 points 32 25 ppr water pipe hot and cold waterProvide PPR water pipe PPR home-made water pipe fittings 4 minutes water pipe 20 6 points 32 25 ppr water pipe hot and cold water by 张晓华9890615 at Product #: 5466885991304.52In stock