
tvi Thailand semi-finished characteristic snacks special in Western food, frozen fish cake hand ginger spicy Thai fish cake

tvi Thailand semi-finished characteristic snacks special in Western food, frozen fish cake hand ginger spicy Thai fish cakeZoom


Production dateDecember 01, 2022 to July 01, 2023
Food processFrozen Aquaculture
Commodity barcode6958347900108
Weight (g)500
Same city service24-hour logistics delivery in the same city
Packing methodpackaging
Sale methodSingle product
Package2 servings
Set meal cycle1 week
Distribution frequency1 time a week
Fish meatFish mid-section
Fresh storage temperature-18℃
Plant nameThaveevong Industry Co
siteBangkok, Thailand
Manufacturer contact6200021
Ingredients tableFrozen fish erosion ( fish meat ( golden thread fish ) water sodium tripolyphosphate ) water cowpea chili sauce cassava starch etc
Storage methodMinus 18°
shelf life730



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tvi Thailand semi-finished characteristic snacks special in Western food, frozen fish cake hand ginger spicy Thai fish cake

tvi Thailand semi-finished characteristic snacks special in Western food, frozen fish cake hand ginger spicy Thai fish caketvi Thailand semi-finished characteristic snacks special in Western food, frozen fish cake hand ginger spicy Thai fish cakeProvide tvi Thailand semi-finished characteristic snacks special in Western food, frozen fish cake hand ginger spicy Thai fish cake by tvi食品旗舰店 at Product #: 4557233713123.38In stock