
Chinese-French Authentication of construction project subcontracting illegal subcontracting and other illegal practices such as investigation and punishment management methods trial application guide Zhu Shuying Law Press Typical case of construction project subcontracting

Chinese-French Authentication of construction project subcontracting illegal subcontracting and other illegal practices such as investigation and punishment management methods trial application guide Zhu Shuying Law Press Typical case of construction project subcontractingZoom


ISBN number9787511869241
titleManagement Measures for Investigation and Punishment of Illegal Acts such as Subcontracting for Construction of Construction Engineering
pricing5900 yuan
EditorZhu Shuying
titleManagement Measures for Investigation and Punishment of Illegal Acts such as Subcontracting for Construction of Construction Engineering
Is it a suitno
Publisher nameLaw Press



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Chinese-French Authentication of construction project subcontracting illegal subcontracting and other illegal practices such as investigation and punishment management methods trial application guide Zhu Shuying Law Press Typical case of construction project subcontractingChinese-French Authentication of construction project subcontracting illegal subcontracting and other illegal practices such as investigation and punishment management methods trial application guide Zhu Shuying Law Press Typical case of construction project subcontractingProvide Chinese-French Authentication of construction project subcontracting illegal subcontracting and other illegal practices such as investigation and punishment management methods trial application guide Zhu Shuying Law Press Typical case of construction project subcontracting by 中法图图书专营店 at Product #: 4467147911821.31In stock