
2 sets of national first-level architect qualification exams. Construction engineering project management passes 1500 questions. Over the years, real question simulation questions. One textbook synchronization tutoring video Sancai genuine book

2 sets of national first-level architect qualification exams. Construction engineering project management passes 1500 questions. Over the years, real question simulation questions. One textbook synchronization tutoring video Sancai genuine bookZoom


brandTalent Education
ISBN number9787511427380
title1500 questions must be made after the management of construction projects ( contains the true questions of the calendar year )
pricing4300 yuan
Open book16 open
Is it a suitno
Publisher nameChina Petrochemical Press



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2 sets of national first-level architect qualification exams. Construction engineering project management passes 1500 questions. Over the years, real question simulation questions. One textbook synchronization tutoring video Sancai genuine book

2 sets of national first-level architect qualification exams. Construction engineering project management passes 1500 questions. Over the years, real question simulation questions. One textbook synchronization tutoring video Sancai genuine book2 sets of national first-level architect qualification exams. Construction engineering project management passes 1500 questions. Over the years, real question simulation questions. One textbook synchronization tutoring video Sancai genuine bookProvide 2 sets of national first-level architect qualification exams. Construction engineering project management passes 1500 questions. Over the years, real question simulation questions. One textbook synchronization tutoring video Sancai genuine book by 圣才教育图书专营店 at Product #: 4176983352117.19In stock