
Preparation for the 2024 special textbook for the International Business Master MIB exam International Business Professional Foundation 434 Take the International Business Hill Hanyu Wang Weihan Edition International Business Text

Preparation for the 2024 special textbook for the International Business Master MIB exam International Business Professional Foundation 434 Take the International Business Hill Hanyu Wang Weihan Edition International Business TextZoom


brandTalent Education
ISBN number9787511418432
titleSpecialized Teaching Materials for International Master of Commerce Exam
authorSacred Cai Research Network
pricing4200 yuan
EditorSacred Cai Research Network
Positive: Deputy titleSpecialized Teaching Materials for International Master of Commerce Exam
Open book16 open
Is it a suitno
Publisher nameChina Petrochemical Press



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Preparation for the 2024 special textbook for the International Business Master MIB exam International Business Professional Foundation 434 Take the International Business Hill Hanyu Wang Weihan Edition International Business TextPreparation for the 2024 special textbook for the International Business Master MIB exam International Business Professional Foundation 434 Take the International Business Hill Hanyu Wang Weihan Edition International Business TextProvide Preparation for the 2024 special textbook for the International Business Master MIB exam International Business Professional Foundation 434 Take the International Business Hill Hanyu Wang Weihan Edition International Business Text by 圣才教育图书专营店 at Product #: 4167312215421.02In stock