
Zhenchen sterilization cream 100g boron toothpaste to relieve toothache and toothache gums of bleeding groes

Zhenchen sterilization cream 100g boron toothpaste to relieve toothache and toothache gums of bleeding groesZoom


brandZhen Shuang
modelPortable formal care kit
FunctionBeautiful, anti-sensitive, clean, fire, fresh breath, smoke stains, tooth stains, gum care
originMainland China
Color classificationInhibitory cream 100g 1 second half price Zhenchen boron cream 20g 3 decorations Zhenchen alert repair 60g hair 20g ×3
Whether to importDomestic
Applicable objectGeneral
Specification typesuit
Whether to loadno
Net content15ml
shelf life24 months



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Zhenchen sterilization cream 100g boron toothpaste to relieve toothache and toothache gums of bleeding groes

Zhenchen sterilization cream 100g boron toothpaste to relieve toothache and toothache gums of bleeding groesZhenchen sterilization cream 100g boron toothpaste to relieve toothache and toothache gums of bleeding groesProvide Zhenchen sterilization cream 100g boron toothpaste to relieve toothache and toothache gums of bleeding groes by 牙博士家居专营店 at Product #: 3956468138118.66In stock