
DE500 high-photo instrument 5 million pixels A4 document document contract office scanning certificate applied to the real estate registration vehicle management office of the National Land Administration

DE500 high-photo instrument 5 million pixels A4 document document contract office scanning certificate applied to the real estate registration vehicle management office of the National Land AdministrationZoom


brandXINHAN is easy to shoot
After-sales serviceNational United
Interface typeUSB20
Maximum rangeA4
Color classificationDE500 high-beat instrument 5 million pixel A4 securities application DE540AF automatic scorched securities application DE500E high-beat instrument insurance medical
Scanning elementCMOS
Production enterpriseFuzhou Hinhan Computer Co., Ltd
Scanner typeHigh clap
3C Certificate Number2017010906975407



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DE500 high-photo instrument 5 million pixels A4 document document contract office scanning certificate applied to the real estate registration vehicle management office of the National Land Administration

DE500 high-photo instrument 5 million pixels A4 document document contract office scanning certificate applied to the real estate registration vehicle management office of the National Land AdministrationDE500 high-photo instrument 5 million pixels A4 document document contract office scanning certificate applied to the real estate registration vehicle management office of the National Land AdministrationProvide DE500 high-photo instrument 5 million pixels A4 document document contract office scanning certificate applied to the real estate registration vehicle management office of the National Land Administration by 广州欣阅数码专营店 at Product #: 21201531149195.45In stock