Production date | May 15, 2023 to July 10, 2023 |
Production license number | SC1071160416133 |
Product Standard Number | Q HRJTM001 |
Plant name | Beijing Jintian Mai International Food Co., Ltd |
site | 12 Yanxibei Second Street, Yanxi Industrial Development Zone, Huairou District, Beijing |
Manufacturer contact | 010-61665178 |
Ingredients table | Water wheat powder starch edible salt gluton powder food additive ( sodium carbonate sodium algae acid ) etc. based on actual information on product outer packaging |
Storage method | Often temperature or 0-10℃ Light avoidance |
shelf life | 365 |
Food additives | Sodium carbonate Sodium algae, lactic acid, etc., based on the actual information of product outer packaging |
brand | Ita |
series | Winter surface 200g |
shape | other |
origin | Mainland China |
province | Beijing |
taste | Udon noodles*1 bags ( no sauce ) udon noodles*3 bags ( no sauce ) udon noodles*1 bags ( with spicy sauce ) Winter noodles*2 bag( |
Is it organic food | no |
Packing method | packaging |
Does it contain a sauce bag | no |
Whether to refrigerate | no |
Face type | Winter noodles |
Raw material composition | other |
Net content | 200g |