
The third edition of second-hand urban ecology Yang Xiaobo Wu Qing Book and other scientific publishing houses 97870397133 textbook research

The third edition of second-hand urban ecology Yang Xiaobo Wu Qing Book and other scientific publishing houses 97870397133 textbook researchZoom


ISBN number978703039713
titleThe Third Edition of Urban Ecology
authorYang Xiaobo Wu Qingshu, etc
TranslatorNot yet
EditorNot yet
titleThe Third Edition of Urban Ecology
Open bookNot yet
Is it a suitno
Publisher nameScience Press
Paper material for internal textPure paper
Number of packages1
Publishing time2014-02



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The third edition of second-hand urban ecology Yang Xiaobo Wu Qing Book and other scientific publishing houses 97870397133 textbook research

The third edition of second-hand urban ecology Yang Xiaobo Wu Qing Book and other scientific publishing houses 97870397133 textbook researchThe third edition of second-hand urban ecology Yang Xiaobo Wu Qing Book and other scientific publishing houses 97870397133 textbook researchProvide The third edition of second-hand urban ecology Yang Xiaobo Wu Qing Book and other scientific publishing houses 97870397133 textbook research by 付梓菡 at Product #: 6803340724438.64In stock