
Double-sink desktop sausage ham sausage whole box of ready-to-eat hot dog sausage snacks Taiwan miniature brown sausage snacks


Production dateFrom May 25, 2023 to June 06, 2023
Production license numberSC119411040055
Plant nameHua Mao Double Exchange Industry ( Group ) Co., Ltd
site100 East Road, People's Road, Ling District
Manufacturer contact400-6168218
Ingredients tableSee outer packaging
Storage methodSanitary cool and ventilated dry
shelf life90
Food additivesSee outer packaging
brandDouble exchange
originMainland China
provinceHenan Province
city river
taste(30 bags)Original taste 38g*30 bags(180 )(30 bags)Spicy 38g*30 bags(180 )(30 bags Zilly 3
Packing methodpackaging
Net content38g



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Double-sink desktop sausage ham sausage whole box of ready-to-eat hot dog sausage snacks Taiwan miniature brown sausage snacks

Double-sink desktop sausage ham sausage whole box of ready-to-eat hot dog sausage snacks Taiwan miniature brown sausage snacksDouble-sink desktop sausage ham sausage whole box of ready-to-eat hot dog sausage snacks Taiwan miniature brown sausage snacksProvide Double-sink desktop sausage ham sausage whole box of ready-to-eat hot dog sausage snacks Taiwan miniature brown sausage snacks by aifeng1317 at Product #: 65215198545413.30In stock