Had a thousand feet high accuracy 300400-500-600800900-1000-1500 large outer diameter spiral 001

Had a thousand feet high accuracy 300400-500-600800900-1000-1500 large outer diameter spiral 001


brandHa Quan
modelThousand-foot extras 500-600
originMainland China
provinceHeilongjiang Province
Color classificationHelp to collect and purchase 400-500500-600600-700700-800800-900900-10001000-15001
typeouter diameter



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Had a thousand feet high accuracy 300400-500-600800900-1000-1500 large outer diameter spiral 001

Had a thousand feet high accuracy 300400-500-600800900-1000-1500 large outer diameter spiral 001Had a thousand feet high accuracy 300400-500-600800900-1000-1500 large outer diameter spiral 001Provide Had a thousand feet high accuracy 300400-500-600800900-1000-1500 large outer diameter spiral 001 by cf屠手 at chinahao.com. Product #: 57965689343035.46In stock