
Second-hand genuine English version of advanced manufacturing technology 44th edition Tang Yiping Science Press

Second-hand genuine English version of advanced manufacturing technology 44th edition Tang Yiping Science PressZoom


ISBN number9787030513908
titleThe 4th Edition of the English Version of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
authorTang Yiping
TranslatorNot yet
EditorNot yet
titleThe 4th Edition of the English Version of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Open bookNot yet
Is it a suitno
Publisher nameScience Press
Paper material for internal textPure paper
PagesNot yet
Number of packages1
Publishing time2018-01



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Second-hand genuine English version of advanced manufacturing technology 44th edition Tang Yiping Science Press

Second-hand genuine English version of advanced manufacturing technology 44th edition Tang Yiping Science PressSecond-hand genuine English version of advanced manufacturing technology 44th edition Tang Yiping Science PressProvide Second-hand genuine English version of advanced manufacturing technology 44th edition Tang Yiping Science Press by 上海高校图书商城 at Product #: 6150234609896.29In stock