
How to write, how to investigate, how to hold 3 volumes of the organization's work practice series, Ren Zhongran, party member cadre training official writing function book, leading self-cultivation, party-building reading publishing house

How to write, how to investigate, how to hold 3 volumes of the organization's work practice series, Ren Zhongran, party member cadre training official writing function book, leading self-cultivation, party-building reading publishing houseZoom


ISBN number9787509910733
titleHow to meet ( Suite )
authorRen Zhongran
Author areaMainland China
pricing1800 yuan
Positive: Deputy titleHow to meet ( Suite )
Open book16 open
Is it a suitno
Publisher nameParty-owned Reading Press
Paper material for internal textPlywood
Publishing time2019-04



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How to write, how to investigate, how to hold 3 volumes of the organization's work practice series, Ren Zhongran, party member cadre training official writing function book, leading self-cultivation, party-building reading publishing house

How to write, how to investigate, how to hold 3 volumes of the organization's work practice series, Ren Zhongran, party member cadre training official writing function book, leading self-cultivation, party-building reading publishing houseHow to write, how to investigate, how to hold 3 volumes of the organization's work practice series, Ren Zhongran, party member cadre training official writing function book, leading self-cultivation, party-building reading publishing houseProvide How to write, how to investigate, how to hold 3 volumes of the organization's work practice series, Ren Zhongran, party member cadre training official writing function book, leading self-cultivation, party-building reading publishing house by 万虹图书专营店 at Product #: 66126698396923.67In stock