
From 13 people to more than 90 million people ( the best entrepreneurial team in history )

From 13 people to more than 90 million people ( the best entrepreneurial team in history )Zoom


ISBN number9787511564634
titleFrom 13 to more than 90 million people: the best entrepreneurship team in history
authorCao Lei Yang Lijuan
Author areaMainland China
pricing4800 yuan
titleFrom 13 to more than 90 million people: the best entrepreneurship team in history
Open book16 open
Is it a suitno
Publisher namePeople's Daily Press
Paper material for internal textPlywood
Publishing time2020-10



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From 13 people to more than 90 million people ( the best entrepreneurial team in history )

From 13 people to more than 90 million people ( the best entrepreneurial team in history )From 13 people to more than 90 million people ( the best entrepreneurial team in history )Provide From 13 people to more than 90 million people ( the best entrepreneurial team in history ) by 博库旗舰店 at Product #: 64656899458111.00In stock