
From Keynes to Picketty: Great changes in economics in the 20th century

From Keynes to Picketty: Great changes in economics in the 20th centuryZoom


ISBN number9787516634967
titleFrom Keynes to Picati
authorPeter de Hahn
Publishing timeOctober 2017
Author areaUnited Kingdom
pricing6900 yuan
titleFrom Keynes to Picati
Open book16 open
Is it a suitno
Publisher nameXinhua Press



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From Keynes to Picketty: Great changes in economics in the 20th century

From Keynes to Picketty: Great changes in economics in the 20th centuryFrom Keynes to Picketty: Great changes in economics in the 20th centuryProvide From Keynes to Picketty: Great changes in economics in the 20th century by 当当网官方旗舰店 at Product #: 56146739221717.14In stock